Posts Tagged ‘Newman’s Own Lighten Up! Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing’

Easy Oriental Broccoli Slaw

November 10, 2009
Easy Oriental Broccoli Slaw

Easy Oriental Broccoli Slaw

I’m always interested in quick and easy recipes that can be thrown together after work and served up quickly with some grilled meat and fruit for a nutritious meal. This recipe includes the fruit right in the slaw so eliminates an extra side dish in my opinion. While for most folks (meat eaters that is) this would be a side dish, because it contains toasted slivered almonds, I think it would qualify as a vegetarian main dish especially if a little tofu or feta cheese is thrown in. For meat eaters who would like to make this a main dish, simply add some diced chicken and increase the salad dressing a little. This recipe is adapted from Hungry Girl 200 Under 200 cookbook by Lisa Lillien. It’s a great little cookbook with 200 recipes under 200 calories. This recipe weighs in at 111 calories for a 1 cup serving!

One 16-ounce package of dry broccoli slaw mix
1 can of diced water chestnuts, drained and chopped a little more
1 12-ounce can of mandarin oranges, drained
1 C. chopped green onions
2/3 C. Newman’s Own Lighten Up! Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing
1 packet of Splenda
1/4 C. slivered almonds

Place the slivered almonds on a small plate and microwave on high for 1 minute 30 seconds to toast. If they need toasted a little more, toast for 10 second increments until done. Set aside. Pour the broccoli slaw into a large serving dish. In a smaller bowl, mix together the salad dressing and packet of Splenda. Add the onion and mandarin oranges and toss to mix. Pour the dressing mixture over the broccoli slaw and sprinkle with the toasted almonds. Toss everything to combine.